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assisting in difficult mating


Many breeds may have a problem to mate and tied especially if it is their first time. It can be stressful for both the dog and its owner. Thanks to my many years of experience, I can offer help and assistance in difficult cases in a very nice, comfortable and friendly environment.

In ideal scenario,  matting occurs without any pain or discomfort for your female dog. However sometimes there can be variances in mating tendencies, and this can have a direct impact on how your dog behaves.
Bitches can pull away especially if they are maiden bitches (and injure themselves and the stud dog ) Additionally, the barking, howling, or other negative behaviors that your female might show can truly traumatize a male dog. Sometimes, it can be so severe for male dog that they are unable to mate again.
Also inexperienced males often use up all their energy (and sperm) before any actual tie mating takes place. Very often they do not have the patience to stay still in a "tie" and they try to move, run away or lie down on the floor which is why it is so important not to leave the dogs alone, but to keep an eye on them, help them if necessary and hold them  when they "lock" so they they won't pull or hurt each other. 



          TWO MATTING £60 each



Mobile Phone( Northampton branch): 07568529964

Mobile Phone ( Lincoln branch): 07890611744

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