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 progesterone testing - when to mate?

  If you are planning on breeding from your bitch, then measuring progesterone levels is the most accurate method for  timing breedings, easy and reliable way of gauging the optimum time to mate. The test is reported as a numeric result, usually in nmol/L or ng/ml. 


 The ideal time to mate is 48hrs after ovulation. Ovulation occurs two days after the LH surge when progesterone levels are between 6 - 10ng/ml or19 -31nmol/L 


 When eggs are mature they can be fertilised ( around 48hrs after ovulation), and it takes around 12 hours after ejaculation for fresh semen to be able to fertilise an egg. Luckily canine semen can live for up to five days once deposited inside the reproductive tract of the bitch, so although the best time to mate is two days after ovulation, matings just before ovulation can still produce puppies. If possible, two matings (24 – 48hours apart) are recommended.


 The test involves taking a small blood sample and I recommend starting this on around day 9-10 after the start of the season (vulval swelling and bleeding). Under applicable law ( Veterinary Surgeon Act 1966) you will be required to provide a blood sample from your veterinarian. Soon I receive blood sample I will provide the result within the hour* and it will indicate what steps are required over the next 2-4 days depending on the result (when to retest or when to mate).


 Blood Progesterone Levels can have many benefits:

  • Improved litter sizes due to catching the optimal breeding time of the bitch


  • When the stud dog is at a distant location


  • When chilled or frozen semen have to be inseminated


  • When previous mating has failed to produce pregnancy


  • Better planning meaning less unnecessary stress on the bitch by travelling so often.


Progesterone concentration - Recommended action

  •  0 – 2 nmol/L  (0 – 0.62 ng/ml)  Too early to estimate ovulation.

       Retest 3 days


  • 3 – 6 nmol/L  (0.94 – 1.88 ng//ml) Minimum 2 days before ovulation. Earliest estimate for breeding 4 – 6 days. Advice retest 4 - 5 days 


  • 7 – 12 nmol/L  ( 2.20 – 3.77 ng/ml) Minimum 1 day before ovulation. Earliest estimate window for breeding 3 – 5 days. Advice retest 3 days


  • 13 – 18 nmol/L  (4.08 – 5.66 ng/ml) Ovulation pending. Estimated breeding window 2 – 4 days.

        Advice retest 2 days


  • 19 – 31 nmol/L  (5.97 – 9.74 ng/ml) Ovulation has  occurred. Estimated breeding window 1 – 3 days

        Advice retest in 1 day


  • 32 – 64 nmol/L  (10.6 – 20.12 ng/ml) Ovulation has recently occurred, optimum potential for fertility.

       Estimated breeding window 0–2 days


  • 65 – 90 nmol/L  (20.44 – 28.3 ng/ml) Ova have matured but ageing, decreased potential for fertility, breed immediately.


  • 60 – 70 nmol/L (18.86 – 22.01ng/ml)   Ideal range for AI


  • Above 90 nmol/l  ( 28.3 ng/ml)  TOO LATE



Progesterone testing Fluffy Kingdom
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I use the best quality AIA360 progesterone machine which will provide 100% accurate and reliable results. This machine is also recommended for reverse progesterone! It is one of the market leaders in this field machine!




Mobile Phone( Northampton branch): 07568529964

Mobile Phone ( Lincoln branch): 07890611744

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